This is the first part of my Let’s Play series for Version 0.1.2 for SCP: Containment Breach, the version that I had made a single stand-alone video before on my channel.
This version was such a blast for me to come back to, considering that I had played this video tons of times, even before I had thought of making a stand-alone video on the version. This video may as well mark the first part of the new series, and the video that I had done before on this version will not count as the first part at all.
I might be in a little bit of a pickle when it comes to what lays in the map generation algorithm. What you might see in this video can be a great example: Something can be blocking your way out of the Maintenance Tunnel, and there is no escape.
There are definitely some of the best bits that I had of course given out in my recording, that they are too good to leave out in the editing down of the recording. Especially with the sudden discoveries of SCP-173 around the corner in the T-shaped lockrooms as well. Surprise, there is no testroom in this version, as far as all of us are concerned.
Overall, this version is one of my two favourite versions of SCP: Containment Breach, and it still stands beside Version 0.3.2. They both have very distinct room placement, different from the Version 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 series, and they both share the same terrors, albeit having differences of their own. For me, the most notable is SCP-513 in Versions 0.1 to 0.2, and SCP-372 since Version 0.2.1.
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