#Shorts #SriSathyaSai #20thAnniversary #RadioSai #SSSMC
The Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre celebrates its 20th anniversary on August 29, 2021. It was on this day in 2002 that Bhagawan inaugurated the studios of Radio Sai.
On this occasion, we are delighted to share the greetings and wishes that we have received from devotees from across the globe. Here is a compilation of a few videos. We will be sharing many more such as we approach Aug 29, 2021.
Wishes & Greetings across the globe playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBRCC43j_ndYmGFp09aGDdkH4qAvkd-dl
Stay tuned to our Social Media platforms. Join our Telegram Channel for instant updates. https://t.me/SriSathyaSai_RadioSai
For more updates:
Website - http://www.sssmediacentre.org
Telegram - https://t.me/SriSathyaSai_RadioSai
(Please install the telegram app and click this link to join).
WhatsApp - https://chat.whatsapp.com/IdWHVokzCeUFmnILMekZ61
Twitter - http://twitter.com/thesathyasai and http://twitter.com/radiosaih2hFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/srisathyasaibaba
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/srisathyasaiofficial/
Schedule and Download page - http://www.sssmediacentre.org/program
Soundcloud - https://www.soundcloud.com/radiosai
- Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre