Fantastic New EU Citizenship by Investment Option (Form a Company in Bulgaria)

Fantastic New EU Citizenship by Investment Option (Form a Company in Bulgaria)

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Imagine getting EU citizenship by forming a company. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, the updated Bulgarian Citizenship by Investment program offers just that! Form a company, hire local people, and after some time boom, EU passport!

We've already talked about the Bulgarian citizenship by investment program on this channel, however, this updated program offers you many more options than before. The changes were introduced earlier this year, and now there are 8 different options to invest in Bulgaria and get their citizenship that way.

What we're talking about today is a business route. You'd need to open a company in Bulgaria, hire 10 local people and put 250 000 euros into the business. After a year you'd double it up and hire another 10 people and you can get citizenship. It would take you around 18 months to obtain citizenship this way.

If you're interested in Bulgarian citizenship this might be an awesome option for you.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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Bulgaria passportEU citizenshipBulgaria citizenship by investment

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