Time-restricted eating – a term coined by Dr. Panda and his colleagues – has been adopted by the popular press as a form of intermittent fasting. It does not explicitly involve reducing calories but rather is an eating pattern wherein a person confines the time of day that they eat to a limited window and fasts for the remainder of the day. Preclinical data indicate that feeding animals in a restricted window has beneficial effects on metabolic health – even in overweight animals eating a poor diet. Randomized clinical trials are ongoing to investigate whether the same benefits will be observed in a real-world setting in humans. Consuming, digesting, and metabolizing food generates reactive molecules that can damage cellular components, including DNA. Fundamental to the benefits associated with time-restricted eating is the concept of allowing the body time apart from eating to rest, repair and rejuvenate itself. In this clip, Dr. Satchin Panda explains the rationale behind the metabolic benefits associated with time-restricted eating.
This clip was taken from the FoundMyFitness Clubhouse interview with Satchin Panda found at https://youtu.be/MWngLVQg2Os
Original episode published on July 6, 2021
#TimeRestrictedEating #CircadianRhythm #Fasting