Trusting God When You Don't Understand.

Trusting God When You Don't Understand.

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Trusting God When You Don't Understand!

I would love to open this with a story of something that happened recently that got me amazed. So I have these 3 little children that come to play at my place and love me a lot. I decided to take a nap from work to play with these kids and I started playing with the last child who was about 3 years of age. I watch wrestling during my leisure period and decided to try out a stunt with him to which I felt he was going to shriek or even cry because it was as though I would hit his head on the floor though i knew I wasn'tgoing to do so. Amazingly, this little child didn’t make a sound, rather, he was laughing. It caught my attention and I had to sit to ask why he wasn’t scared, he just kept smiling and gave me the look of “I know you can’t hurt me, you can’t even afford to see me fall how much more hitting my head on the ground”. I just stood in awe because he was indeed right, I wasn’t going to let anything happen to him.

This passed some very important messages across to me. If we really trust God and are sure that he wouldn’t let us fall’ then even when situations raise their ugly head, our mind is at rest because we know that Abba has got us. This little boy didn't understand what i was doing, but one thing was sure for him, I wouldn't let him fall. Isn't it amazing? Another lesson is how that sometimes, we need to have a childlike heart to God and not act all matured like we’ve got everything figured out. I can imagine what might have happened if the little boy had tried to struggle with me. In the actual sense, he won’t have won.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (KJV) He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Ever had the experience where something did not work out even though it seemed like it the right thing, you were qualified for it, you gave it your best, but it was not in your favour? Well I have. It's a story which I will share as we proceed. But I'm pretty sure you must have experienced it too at some point in your life. In fact if you have had enough experiences you would agree with me that sometimes or most times, the very same thing might work out at a later date or even when and or where you didn't expect it. But you could have cried, lost hope, been miserable, maybe you may have felt humiliated before it eventually came. Let's take a quick scenario. Your little boy could suddenly feel like playing outside in afternoon, the sun could be radiating heat like never before but he doesn't know that, all he knows is that he wants to play outside. Now you could do two things, you could either send him to go get burnt and learn his lesson which is not the very best option and most likely you wouldn't do it; or you could keep him indoors however possible because you understand better than him the time, you know better that the best time to play would be in the morning and at this time he would have a beautiful experience and even enjoy more health benefits. In the same vein, you could decide the best time to get your kids the things they need because you have the understanding of the appropriate time even when they don't.
The revelation of God's name says He is the beginning and end that is, Alpha Omega. When you just look at this name and gaze at it, what do you think it means? What does it suggest to you?
Well I would say, it means He started the process at the beginning and saw it through to the end; it could also mean that everything or anything called time is inside of him, since time is an interval between when an event begins and ceases to exist. This clearly suggests that God will have all knowledge and understanding of all times and like the parent in our example above, He would know just when give you something and when you shouldn't have it, I mean He is the Alpha Omega. And at this point, we must understand that there is a time for everything, not everything just happens because we want it to. A sign of maturity is to understand that everything is regulated by time and that our Father oversees this process not to our detriment but rather for our good for he says Romans 8:28 (KJV) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. So if you are called according to His purpose(as His Child) and you understand and believe that your Father is all of God then you must put your trust in Him for He knows the right time and when it comes He his going to hasten down to give you what you want.
I'll have you know that a lot of people have gone through the same thing or similar or maybe even worse things and God has proved Himself to be on time.


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