TAURUS- Yearning for their Counterpart. Dark Night
If you want to support our soul sister by purchasing a copy of the Family Feud Oracle Deck, you can do so by clicking on the link below
Support our soul sister Tiffany by purchasing this deck at this link - https://tipsytiff.com/shop/ols/products/familyfeudoracle
Don't forget to check out my sister channel The Pick A Card Empress for pick a card readings. Click on the link www.youtube.com/thepickacardempress
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Cash app- $maid4luv
Venmo- @Maid4luv
Google Pay- maid4luv@gmail.com
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Link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/14KAWX0MFO5LW?ref_=wl_share
Thank you in advance for your support.
If youre interested in a personal reading or any of my oracle decks, please check out my website for a complete listing and description of readings offered please check out my website https://www.maid4luv.com. Some readings offered include-
1. Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reading- $44.44
2. Third Party Reading- $44.44
3. Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reading with Third Party Reading Combo- $66.66
4. Twin Flame/ Soulmate Reading with Karmic Reading and Messages from their Higher Self plus advice for your healing- $88.88
5. Past Life Reading- $55.55
6. Love Reading- $55.55
7. What’s Coming in Love- $44.44
8. Career Reading- $44.44
9. Life Purpose Reading- $44.44
10. Pet Tarot Reading- $44.44
11. Personal Luvers Speak Conversation- $44.44 for 20 mins and $11.11 every additional ten minutes
Twin Flames Tune-in (I tune in mediumistically to your twin flame ring and report on the connecting chakra. Karmic cords and healthof the ring-$44.44
Extended Love reading- $88.88
Metal King or Divine Masculine reading- $88.88
Extended Third Party reading- $88.88
Spirit Release Therapy Individual (Spiritual Clearings)-$144.00
Spirit Release Therapy Couple/ Twin (Spiritual Clearings)- $255.00
Emergency Readings are also available for an extra donation of $50 on the usual donation of your reading
All my readings are pre recorded and delivered by an identified date. Please do not give any details. My aim to deliver the message direct from Spirit without the interference of ego and prior knowledge. Refunds will only be issued if I don’t deliver your reading.
My readings are not legal advice and are for entertainment purposes ONLY. Follow your inner guidance always. I do not own the rights to any of the music I play on my channel
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