Step One: Be Aware

Step One: Be Aware

Here are the three vital things we must do in order to have more peace:
1- Be aware
2- Bring it to God
3- Trust God further

We must learn to do these automatically, and the more we mature in Christ, the more we will. Lord knows I am still learning this myself, but when I get it right, wow what a beautiful difference this makes in my level of peace. This comes with growth, as we become more and more sensitive to the exact moment things start stressing us out. This is why being aware is the first step, after all, we cannot fix something if we do not recognize it as a problem, right? But then we must take those thoughts, emotions, desires and so on, to God.

This is what I have been talking about for several weeks now, because it is not only vital to understand, but incredibly powerful the more we actually implement it in our lives. Jesus knows how influential our mind can be, this is why He pulls the mind out of the soul when He quotes the greatest commandment: to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and MIND, and with all our strength. Did you see it? Our heart is our spirit, our strength talks about our body, but the soul is our mind, emotions and will, so see how Jesus emphasizes the power of our mind with its thoughts here?

We must capture every thought and then pray about it. This means we look into God’s Word to see what He says about the issue at hand. As we connect with God and allow Him to fill our minds with His truth, we can become more quickly aware when a thought pops in that is a lie. If we continue to believe the lies that we have taken in, we will have less peace. But if we believe the Truth, it will lead to more peace in our lives.

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Peace, Diane


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