Hearken to His voice and you will survive the wrath of the Most High.
Hard times are coming and also the good times for some. It is time to come out of the ways of this world and enter YAH'S world. His world is doing His will and calling on His Name.
This is the time for all non set-apart ones of the nations to now get right.
September 6. 2021 is a time of prayer, repentance and fasting for all the nations.
Start preparing now and perhaps He will save your life in the upcoming tribulation.
Get ready now to be saved from destruction!
Go to our website and learn what you need to be doing! www.familyofmessiah.org
Isa 34:1 Come near, you gentiles, to hear. And listen, you people! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world and all its offspring.
Isa 34:2 For the displeasure of יהוה is against all the gentiles1, and His wrath against all their divisions. He shall put them under the ban, He shall give them over to the slaughter, Footnote: 1See footnote Jer. 30:11.
Jer 30:11 ‘For I am with you,’ declares יהוה, ‘to save you. Though I make a complete end of all gentiles1 where I have scattered you, yet I do not make a complete end of you. But I shall reprove you in judgment, and by no means leave you unpunished.