Want to invest in the next billion dollar company? Don’t miss the next Money Talks fireside next Thursday, August 5th at 11 am (EST).
Pre-IPO Investing: How to identify the next billion dollar company, featuring special guest Alex Konanykhin, creator of Unicorn Hunters and co-founder and CEO of TransparentBusiness, will join co-hosts Silvina Moschini and Emmy-award winning journalist Diego Laje to uncover the secrets to spotting the next billion-dollar company.
You will learn about:
◼ The top indicators for a potential unicorn
◼ The sectors should you look at
◼ The success stories of pre-IPO investments
See you then!
Learn more about pre-IPO investment opportunities for you analyzed by business and policy experts online at 👉 https://pxle.me/J88j1o6o
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