Offerings to Srila Prabhupad By Rajesh Thuktral and Rajni thukral

Offerings to Srila Prabhupad By Rajesh Thuktral and Rajni thukral

#srilaprabhupada125 #prabhupad #SP125
Offering by ISKCON Devotees to Srila Prabhupada, on his 125th birth anniversary.

Srila Prabhupad founded ISKCON in 1966, after his long struggles to fulfill the instructions of His Spiritual master HH Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Maharaj. He promoted the movement of Harinaam Sankirtan. He translated the scriptures in English and made it available to everybody around the world.

iskconsrila prabhupad 125prabhupad 125

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