in this video I take a quick dive into the wonderful world of copyright and the current license teases for chapter 21 of dead by daylight in attempt to see if by using what the devs legally can and cannot do we can determine who will soon be joining the entity's realm which leads to a shocking idea. I will explain my theory further in detail, however I cut this video short due to time reasons. the next one will be up soon.
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Everything below is algorithm pleasing word spam:
Gen rushing is a problem in the asymmetrical horror game dead by daylight in which all survivors do a gen before a killer is able to get a single hook. This gives the survivors an easy win that the killer is not likely to come back from fairly without the usage of a perk like NOED, rancor, pop goes the weasel, or everyone's favorites, Hex: "Just a little bit" Ruin and Barbeque and Chili for those extra bloodpoints and those freed bloodpoints that are more reliable than the new free blood point codes. The codes are only good for getting iridescent shards farming to unlock all characters for free (licensed killers like Freddy kreugar, Jason, Pennywise, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Michael Myers, Saw aka Jigsaw aka The pig. With this problem solved many large dead by daylight creators like Monto, puppers, Trutalent, scott jund, and zubatlul would enjoy the game more, maybe noob3 would even return. However this is not the only problem plague-ing (get it?) DEad by daylight. Thousand Hour Death squads, aka Thousand hours bully squads, SWF on comms, keys, moris, dead hard, body blocking, poor perk balance, lack of streamer mode, and overall toxic community can harm interest in the game and make it very stale to play. Add on top of that a poor rank rest system and no rank rewards things can feel like an unrelenting grind. Spring Trap, Springtrap, Spring trap dead by daylight, Dead by daylight, Stranger Things, Demogorgon, Springtrap dbd, Spring Trap chase music, Chase music spring trap, dbd x spring trap, five nights at freddy's, dbd fnaf, fnaf spring trap in dbd, spring trap reveal, springtrap dbd reveal, community discussion, fnaf freddy, five nights at freddy's, new chapter dbd, spring trap dbd new chapter, Penny-wise dbd, Pennywise dbd, Penny-wise dead by daylight, Penny-wise in dead by daylight, dead by daylight pennywise, dbd penny wise theory, new chapter speculation, dbd new leak, dbd new teaser, dbd new letter, new letter, dbd new info, living tombstone, freddy, saw, silent hill, resident evil, scream, scary movie, the pig, ghostface, new trailer, dbd twiiter, dead by daylight twitter, paulie esther dbd, the king dbd, schmuckles dbd, bvhr leak, behavior leak, nancy, steve, Left for dead, Bill overbeck, William Bill Overbeck, Bill dbd, dead by daylight William Bill Overbeck dbd, Borrowed time, unbreakable, left behind chapter, new paragraph dbd, new season dbd, dbd springtrap dead by daylight, fnaf security breach, fnaf ar, fnaf 1, fnaf 2, fnaf3, fnaf ultimate custom night, five nights at freddy's secuirty breach, funko, fnaf bunny, five nights at freddys chica fnaf, William Afton, Michael Afton, Micheal Afton, Afton family, Spring lock suit, game theory five nights at freddy's, game theorists fnaf, crow, unladencrow, dbd entity, Candy man, candy man theory, dbd candyman, dbd new candyman leak, dead by daylight candyman, say it, candyman story explained, candyman recap, dbd candyman dead by daylight, scott cawthon fnaf, scott cawthon, scott cawthon games, five nights at freddy's scott cawthon, tier list, dbd chapter 21 reveal.