Kazakhstan focuses on development of domestic trade and exports. Qazaq TV News
The creation of the national distribution network will help resolve issues such as price stabilization, the development of trade infrastructure and the creation of new export channels.
The national distribution network will later become part of the Eurasian supply chain. The main participant of this project will be the Eurasian Development Bank, said Deputy Chairperson of the financial institute Amangeldy Issenov during the collegium of Kazakh Ministry of Trade and Integration. The work on the formation of the Concept of the project has already begun. In addition to the EAEU member states, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also take part in it.
“First, of course, as a financial institution, directly, by providing financing for various stages of creating a distribution network, and in terms of providing technical assistance for research on the creation of NDN, which, in fact, will include a network of wholesale distribution centers in Kazakhstan and the formation of border infrastructure. The terms of reference have been agreed upon by the Ministry of Trade and Integration, and we, generally, expect the completion of procedural and organizational measures in this direction,” Issenov said.
The creation of the national distribution network will help resolve issues such as price stabilization, the development of trade infrastructure and the creation of new export channels. If there are about 600 active exporters in the country today, then in the next three to four years Kazakhstan plans to increase their number to a thousand. Comprehensive work is being carried out for this, including promoting non-resource exports, the minister said.
“An export acceleration program is being implemented this year. Its participants are enterprises of the food, chemical, machine-building and light industries. It is expected that by the end of the year, new enterprises will enter foreign markets and conclude their first export contracts. The plan for the implementation of the EAEU strategy until 2025 was approved. For its implementation we need to develop 49 international treaties and 219 acts. Today, negotiations are underway with Egypt, India and Israel to conclude agreements on a free trade zone,” added Bakhyt Sultanov, Kazakh Minister of Trade and Integration.
Translation by Saniya Sakenova
Editing by Galiya Khassenkhanova
#Kazakhstan #domestictrade #exports #nationaldistributionnetwork #EAEU
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