The Ben Simmons story has gone from good to relatively ugly. Once a cornerstone for the Philadelphia 76ers, Simmons is now rumored to be clocked out. The latest report from Bleacher Report's Jason Dumas is that quote: 'He's open to the California teams is what I've been told. Joel Embiid has reached out to him several times since the end of the season. He hasn't returned his calls..' Nick Wright, Brandon Marshall, and Kevin Wildes react to the latest report on Simmons in Philly.
#FirstThingsFirst #NBA #BenSimmons
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About First Things First:
Nick Wright, Brandon Marshall, Kevin Wildes, and Jenna Wolfe team up on First Things First, a discussion and opinion-based studio program that covers all the headlines weekdays on FS1.
I don't mind Ben Simmons' "call my agent" approach to 76ers - Nick I NBA I FIRST THINGS FIRST
First Things First