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How To Overcome Your Strong & Burning Sexual Desires As A Christian 😭😭😭😭😭
Today we are going to talk about Singleness, Sex and Self control. In I Corinthians 7:8-9Paul address this verses to the single people “But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” Paul is addressing two different types of people, but with the same life situation. He says whether you are unmarried and you've never been married, or whether you were married and, through some incident, you're no longer married, the widows or widowers. Paul was one of these two types of people. He was not married and he is speaking from experience, sometimes it's better to speak based on personal experience than the theory that way there will be more compassion. In today's world singleness is seen as strange not normal but it's a gift. Apostle Paul was referring to the fact that you don't need another person necessarily to fulfill your purpose on this earth.
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There are advantages to being single, as Paul said you don't need another person to fulfill your purpose or be successful. But then verse 9 he says “but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry.” If you cannot control yourself, you should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. Paul makes it sound so simple like you can go out and just find a husband like when you run out of corn flasks and just go to the grocery store and buy it, it's not that easy. However, there is nothing like a single person trying to give somebody advice on how to get married. “...But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.” I Corinthians 7:7; Paul’s gift was singleness, he was content with it that's why he said it's better to marry than to burn with passion; if you can't control your burning passion marry. Don't just compromise and just marry anybody.
In the time of the Old Testament, there were fewer things more shameful than being unwed or unable to bear children. Then Jesus comes and says that to be his disciple, to experience “real life,” marriage might just be something you’ll have to give up along with a few other things. “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” Luke 14:26. The only full, complete, and meaningful life anyone can live is one that is wholly devoted to Christ; one that shows a love for Christ that is so radical it makes even biblical love for family look like hatred in comparison. One can certainly live a life like that without being married. In fact, Paul even warns those who are married to be careful not to be distracted “in view of the present distress.” Singleness can get in the way to, you can make growing in holiness more about preparing for an earthly spouse rather than for a Heavenly One, your focus should always be heaven. It is of paramount importance to discern a call to singleness for right now, which is not so difficult, if your single right now that's the season you’re in at the moment embrace it.
Being single goes hand in hand with sex and self control. The gift of singleness is understood as the ability to remain free of sexual sin, temptation to sexual sin, Paul almost immediately admits that some will lack self-control and that for them, it is better to marry than to “burn with passion”. Paul thinks singleness is advantageous in light of “this present distress”. However,“This present distress” is understood as a reference to an intense time of persecution for the Corinthian church. Lastly, the call for “undivided devotion to the Lord”. Throughout the chapter, Paul’s praise of singleness is directed toward the inherent benefits of singleness, not the personal gifting of particular single individuals. Everyone who is single has the gift of singleness already and only needs to steward it well. The gift of singleness will be marked by the beauty of life within and in committed service to the kingdom, when you persevere in self-control and use the gifts and opportunities the Lord has provided for you in kingdom work, you will experience the gift of singleness in the more specific sense, even if the unmet desires for marriage remain.
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