Happy Friendship day 🌷 Special l 8 special thing about best friend do for each other's

Happy Friendship day 🌷 Special  l 8 special thing about best friend do for each other's

Having a best friend adds so many wonderful things to our lives. They provide us with care, support, confidence, and happiness. What are some of your favorite memories with your best friend? As a society, we’ve gotten better at making separations between best friends and other types of friends. There are certain things that they do for each other that makes them a little more special. Here are 8 Things Best Friends Do For Each Other!

#bestfriends #forever #friendship #The #digital #samurai

Writer: Ria Parikh
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Hinata Honda
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center; Adams RE, Santo JB, Bukowski WM (2011). “The Presence of a Best Friend Buffers the Effects of Negative Experiences”. Psychology Faculty Publications. 37.


Kirby S (2020). “The Importance of Having Supportive Friendships”. Better Help.

Kirmayer M (2019). “This is the Secret to Close Friendships”. Psychology Today. Casual to Close.

Narr RK, Allen JP, Tan JS, Loeb EL (2017). “Close Friendship Strength and Broader Peer Group Desirability as Differential Predictors of Adult Mental Health”. Child Development. Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.


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