I do the fundamental analysis of stocks on Tickertape. Check it out!
I have been using Zerodha for investing and trading. And, love the platform!
You can use this link to open a Zerodha account and start investing: https://zerodha.com/open-account?c=ZMPGQS
**This is NOT an investment advice**
After yesterday's video (Check it out here https://youtu.be/DvjCPu0odG4) many of you reached out and asked me to reveal 3 quality stocks I am currently investing in.
So I decided to make this video and explain which are these 3 stocks, WHY, and HOW am I investing in them. So do watch this video till the end to get a holistic understanding.
Please note this is purely for educational purposes and not an investment advice. Remember to do your own due diligence before putting your money in any stock :)
0:00 3 stocks I am investing in
01:02 First Stock
07:53 Second Stock
12:42 Third Stock
14:53 How am I investing in these stocks?
If you want me to cover any specific topic, comment below, I will definitely shoot videos on them.! :)
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Stock videos from Pixabay and Pexels
Logos: Wikipedia Commons