Friday faves & a very difficult chit chat - but it's important

Friday faves & a very difficult chit chat - but it's important

Hi friends. Thank you for being here today. And I truly hope you are well. Today's video starts out with the usual but I also wanted to share some of my struggles. Many of us deal with very similar struggles and I think it's important to address it sometimes. I don't ever want any of you to feel alone. Thank you all for being here.

Where to find the things...
Keracolor Clenditioner Silver Blue -
ColorWow Dream Filter Pre-shampoo Mineral Remover -
ColorWow Xtra Large Bombshell Volumizer -
DermaDoctor KP Duty Scrub (alone by itself) -
Here in the amazing Skinstore Expert's Choice bag (Use code MELANIE10 to save $10 off this purchase) -
CO Bigelow Hand Wash and Body Lotion - I received this product complimentary from C.O. Bigelow. Find the product(s) here: Use my promo code: MrKongsMom: Enjoy 10% off C.O Bigelow brand products on until 2022. #octolyfamily
Too Faced Natural Matte Palette -
Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush Seduce -
Wander Beauty Lipsetter Dual Lipstick and Liner -
Stila Beauty Boss Lip Gloss (this shade in the permanent collection looks very similar to Casual Friday) -

Discount Codes:
Rakuten - Get PAID to shop online! No strings attached:

If you'd like to save 20% on anything from Farmacy Beauty you can use code MRKONGSMOM20 to save 20%:

Save $15 on your first purchase at Biossance with this link:

Save on 20% on DRMTLGY Skincare by using this link (or use code J3833 at checkout):

Get $20 off your Wander Beauty order of $40 or more using this link:

Save 25% off your Skinstore order of $50 or more by using this link:

Save 15% at City Beauty with code MRKONGSMOM at check out -

Check out my Amazon suggestions here:

I love shopping at HauteLook for amazing deals on beauty and fashion. Check out HauteLook here to sign up:
Find me on Instagram: MrKongsMom
Find Mr. Kong and Penelope on Instagram: PenelopeTalulahPumpkin

If you've made it all the way down here, thanks for taking the time to read though all my stuff :). In case you are curious, the vast majority of what I show on my channel is purchased by me. Occasionally, I will agree to partner with certain companies who will provide me with their product for consideration. I will ALWAYS mention in the video if a product is provided to me for review. I also make sure that the company I am working with knows that I only share my honest review of their products. If I love it, I will share that. If I hate it, I will share that as well. I will also always tell you why I love or hate a product. Also, I utilize Magiclinks to link my products for you guys. Magiclinks is an affiliate program, which means if you use the link to make a purchase, I will receive a small commission from the sale. I always appreciate you using my links to shop!

Thank you as always for watching and take care!

mrkongsmomskincareskin care

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