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00:00 - what vitamins and minerals are needed to help vision that I may not be absorbing due to celiac?
01:31 - does gluten play a role in visual snow?
03:00 - I’ve heard that einkorn and other ancient grains won’t hurt me.
03:30 - I wake up with tingly fingers and achy arms, can it be gluten?
04:43 - six bouts of iritis - can it be gluten related?
06:17 - my loved one has uveitis and the labs show ankylosing spondylitis
06:54 - gellan gum or xanthan gum?
07:50 - can gluten withdrawal cause styes or mouth ulcers?
08:44 - should we avoid nightshades if we have inflammatory bowel disease?
09:48 - I have hashimotos and believe it causes eye pain
10:10 - how does having had cataract surgery affect the risk of retinopathy?
15:09 - what products would you recommend for itchy, watery eyes?
16:47 - how much vitamin A do you need?
19:04 - does bee pollen contain gluten?
19:55 - I have heard that ulcerative colitis can progress to eye disease like unveils
20:19 - can having hypothyroid cause clouded or blurry vision?
20:33 - can gluten cause photophobia?
21:48 - vitamin A and saturated fat
22:19 - is it possible to have false elevation in hemoglobin A1C?
25:35 - is salmon a good source of vitamin A?
25:50 - what medical degree would you suggest for someone with a holistic view?
26:47 - should we get copper naturally or is it best to supplement?
27:10 - myaesthenia gravis
28:55 - floaters in the eyes
29:40 - can gluten cause bags under the eyes?
30:09 - fat deposits in the eyes
30:55 - how much vitamin D, E and omega do I need?
31:45 - my mom has macular degeneration, how do I avoid getting it myself?
32:20 - testing for vitamins and minerals
33:00 - screen time exposure
34:40 - brand of vitamin A that you recommend?
35:30 - what kind of chromium?
35:40 - vasovagal syncope related to gluten?
35:45 - what can be done for eyelid droop?
36:13 - does vitamin D cause kidney stones?
36:27 - how does Reuters Syndrome affect the bladder?
36:40 - what do you recommend for RA?
37:00 - do the vitamin supplements reverse the damage to the eyes or just stabilize them?
37:45 - substituting gluten free flours
38:22 - can fibromyalgia cause eye issues?
38:41 - what are nightshades?
39:00 - how much can someone’s vision fluctuate with changes in diet?
39:47 - could gluten have caused my optic neuritis?
40:17 - can colloidal silver help for allergies?
41:35 - can a gluten free diet help with Parkinsons?
42:04 - what about cows milk?
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.