Today I wanted to share a small RV accessory that has been very helpful for us. We use it as a Temperature pet monitor and we have used it to check the humidity in the RV as well as to check on our RV Fridge to make sure it was hitting the temp we needed and let us know when we had fixed the RV Fridge. You can really use it anywhere you need to get the information about the temps, even in a bay if you had an inverter and you wanted to see how warm it was getting or to see how well the RV AC or Heater was doing at balancing the temp inside. The reason it is so handy is we can check the temp and humidity from anywhere as long as we have wifi or cell service. The Temperature alerts when you are not at the RV are extremely helpful to say the least.
Govee we have https://amzn.to/3xM56DS
Multiple sensors. https://amzn.to/3yOlKnQ
Bluetooth only. https://amzn.to/3iJcNqg
Here is our Amazon page for our favorite gear. We will be adding more products as we find more products we use and love. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.
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Passport America WE USE THIS ALL THE TIME. https://passportamerica.com?rfsn=2638351
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