I'VE SAT IN MY HOME ALL DAY WITHOUT ELECTRICITY BECAUSE OF FOWL NASTY MURDEROUS BEAST IN OUR LAND" When will the nasty be hunted themselves for their blood guiltiness they deserve???? let it never be said that the Lord of all creation could not deliver his own.!!!! let God arise and his enemies be scattered!!!
My Electric Bill With "Evegy" is $679.80 was was due on August 5th. Let me let it be known, that I've always paid my bills, but since my children and grandchildren have been murdered, I contacted the electric company demanding that the city be held accountable for the wickedness that they've done to my family, (over & over the police have done NO JUSTICE, & I HAVE VIDEO TO PROVE IT) I had also contacted our Government on the murders, and NOTHING was done. I've always been an upstanding person who paid my bills. I know people know my story, I'm only ONE PERSON OUT OF MANY PEOPLE who deserves JUSTICE, who have also been taken advantage of.... I will not have this freakish nasty gross disgusting foolish, stupidness prevail against us...The Great Almighty of the universe Shall DESTROY the Wickedness In His Earth!!!!. Let Not Wickedness Prevail Against somebody who is upright. I know that I am rich, yet like many of you, been made poor. Any person who wants to help, than I Pray that a THOUSAND FOLD BLESSING come up on you! And THANK YOU SO MUCH. Here is my account number and the phone number to the electric company where I live. Let the nasty freak go to hell for what they've done to my family. Account# 5708190322 - The Bill Is For 678.18, which stated that it needed to be paid by the 5th of August and as I am posting this it's the 3rd.... If they sent out something for a turn off on the 5th, Why Did It Happen on the 3rd????...They Know that they're guilty of murder in thie Treacherous city.? I demand for JUSTICE, I've been speaking about it on my channel for the last 4yrs.... Do people want Wicked to rule the land? Or do they want upright people to be able to walk in the land and be free? If there be beautiful leadership (in which I Pray For Everyday) Then Let's See Them Get Up And Do The UPRIGHT Thing!!!...All of you who are willing to help, then may a Great Blessing come upon you from the Great Divine!!! Thank You so much.. THE NUMBER TO CALL IS 888-471-5275
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