Why You Struggle To Connect With Sr. Execs.

Why You Struggle To Connect With Sr. Execs.

So you want to connect with sr. execs
(bc you know it’s good for your career) but you’ve
had mild to no success at all, here’s why ⬇️

You’re either spraying & praying 🙏🏼 by hoping if
you talk to all of them, one of them will like you.


Your using the wrong thing as the basis for
connecting with them: career

Both strategies are totally WRONG

When you spray and pray, you’ll definitely
get their attention but it’s the wrong kind.
It’s like randomly sending out connections
requests to people on LinkedIn.

Yes, they will see your connection request
but they will be puzzled as to why you are
reaching out. So you’ll either get put in the annoying
file or worse they’ll hit the “I don’t know this person”
button and you’ll be blocked🙅‍♀️

If you’re reaching out to them to
talk about career, you’ll get put
at the back of the line because
there are tons of people that want
to “pick their brain” to talk about
how they moved up.

Building relationships with sr. execs.
is no different than building a friendship.
It takes effort, time, genuine connection,
& the key 🔑, reciprocal.

You need to be strategic & genuine.
Now you might be saying
“but Savi, how can you be genuine if you’re strategic?”

Let me tell you.

By identifying the executives
that are doing work that you
would like to do you one day
you’re increasing the likelihood
that you’ll be able to put in
the consistent long-term
effort to build a relationship with them.
This is why being strategic is important.

Because you are now motivated
to keep in touch with that person,
you will be incentivized to learn
about them as a human being
instead of just trying to extract
their formula for success, which
they can smell a mile away.

Like anything else in life,
giving before you get,
relationship over transactional,
consistency over sporadic
will carry you very far &
make you successful.

The same applies to building
key relationships with execs.

This mindset & approach
is the difference between
having an OKAY career or a
GREAT one.

#savisays #strategy #leadership


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