Ekse shap fede! In this episode of #MoTee, my girlfriend and I went thrifting online. Thrifting is something my girlfriend Mo is passionate about, most of her wardrobe consists of items she has thrifted over the years. We hit up our friend @Segzy Unicorn and asked him to style us using pieces from his online thrift store Abnormal Thrift @abnormalthrift.
Mo and I have decided to partner up with online thrifting stores and individuals who love thrifting once a month. We want to create content around sustainable fashion and show you guys you don't need a big cheque to look good. Let us know who we should hit up next!
Continue seeing our lives through my social media!
@thatorampedi @thesitdownza(►https://www.instagram.com/thatorampedi/
Twitter (@thatorampedi) ► https://twitter.com/thatorampedi
@mdluli.mo (Mo's Instagram)
For inquiries please email rampedimedia@gmail.com
► https://goo.gl/beMo0c | ★
Edited and Recorded by Thato Rampedi
Camera: Canon M50 & Canon 850 D
Mic: Rode Mic Pro
MoTee intro: @ngasiirwe
Music: Yolophonik