My sister, who I’ll call Emily moved in with her husband, who I’ll call Roger two years back. Emily and I were never very close, but we were family nonetheless. Recently, they decided to get their house renovated and because it’s been quite disastrous at their place, they asked if they could move in with me last week, I was a little shocked because we haven’t spoken in a while but I said it would be fine with me.
Emily wanted to have a talk- She asked if her and Roger could have the place to themselves on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve. I asked where she thinks I can go, her response? “I don’t know, get a motel.” She continued to tell me how I can afford a couple days in a motel and it won’t kill me.
She told me it’s nothing against me, it’s just that they have their own traditions and like to spend the holiday together. They chose to get their house renovated during this time. So, I asked them to leave. I can’t put my life on hold and move out because they want to spend the holiday with each other. They won’t be homeless, my parents took them in but they called me absolutely infuriated because I refused to let them stay, and wouldn’t let them enjoy the holiday after all the trouble they went through with the renovations. AITA?
Story 1:
UPDATE AITA for asking my sister to leave after she tried to kick me out of my town house?
Story 2:
AITA for not letting my sil move in to our house?
Story 3:
AITA for snapping at my sister and telling her to stop meddling with my life?
Story 4:
AITA for “abandoning” my nephews?
Story 5:
AITA for stopping buying groceries for my family after they started?
PS : I have permission from authors to use their stories in this video and all the other videos.
#AITA #redditsister #familydrama