Russia’s ‘unstoppable’ hypersonic 6,100mph missile capable of wiping out US cities

Russia’s ‘unstoppable’ hypersonic 6,100mph missile capable of wiping out US cities

RUSSIA is set to begin final tests on its lethal hypersonic 6,100mph missile capable of wiping out US cities - boasting it is "unstoppable".

The weapon will be unleashed at sea and land targets from the frigate Admiral Gorshkov, according to defence industry sources.

The Zircon - or Tsirkon - which can hit speeds of more than 6,100mph - has been identified by Moscow’s state-controlled TV as Vladimir Putin’s weapon of choice to destroy coastal American cities in the event of an atomic conflict.

The Kremlin leader has called the Mach 8 Zircon “truly unparalleled in the world”, and the Russians have bragged it is “unstoppable”.

“The ship-based Tsirkon hypersonic missile system will carry out firings at land and sea targets from the frigate Admiral Gorshkov," the source said.

Final tests are due to take place “before the end of July”.

The checks are expected in the White Sea, and the missile is on track to go into service next year, deployed first from the stealth technology Admiral Golovko frigate.

Tests of land and submarine-launched Zircons are expected by the end of this year.

A key use of the missile is taking out enemy ships and reports suggested its maximum range is between 188 and 620 miles.

There have been unconfirmed reports, however, that its true range is some 1,200 miles.

The missile system’s design and development have been conducted in deep secrecy.

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Russia’s ‘unstoppable’ hypersonic 6,100mph missile capable of wiping out US cities just WEEKS away from final tests

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