After 30 rounds of .308 (7.62x51) standard M80 ball ammunition fired from a HK91 at an energy of 2505 ft.lbf or 3396 joules considering the barrel length and ammunition specifics a oak tree (approx. 1’ in diameter) could be considered viable cover from gunfire.
I was hitting the tree a bit to the right during the shooting but the shots were taken in line with the steel.
Since the bullet tumbles after passing through the tree, the direction of its path greatly varies from its initial trajectory. A tumbling bullet is still a lethal round, especially from a .308 since much of its energy is still present. Using a tree as cover from high power rounds such as M80 ball would require positioning a distance away from the impact area of the tree so that tumbling bullets exiting the tree have less of a chance to enter personal area. Considering a tree to be viable means that it is feasible option of cover in situations where options are limited to stop the penetration of a high energy round.
With smaller less powerful rounds a tree could be an option to hold flush cover behind. However, standing directly behind a tree will null any of its effectiveness against redirecting M80 ball rounds away from initial path. A healthy tree approx. 1’ in diameter will not “stop” a .308 round but has a high chance of redirecting a tumbling bullet upon exit.