ACCA is global chartered accountancy whereas CMA is US-based management accountancy. Can one pursue both together? What are the important features and aspects to be considered when studying for both? Know everything about ACCA and CMA (Eligibility, Salary Package, Syllabus, Duration, Scope in India and Fees Structure) by watching this video!
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Thank you for watching Important Aspects To Consider for ACCA & CMA | Pursuing BOTH Together | Studying ACCA UK & CMA USA
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02:01 - Eligibility of ACCA UK & CMA USA
02:14 - Syllabus and Duration of ACCA UK & CMA USA
03:08 - Scope and Hiring Aspect of ACCA UK & CMA USA
03:50 - Salary Package of ACCA UK & CMA USA
04:17 - Fees Structure of ACCA UK & CMA USA
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