Failed Economic Systems Are to Blame, Not Workers

Failed Economic Systems Are to Blame, Not Workers

Far-right-wing economic ethos has brainwashed us for decades, pitting us against one another, and I'm sick of it. Let's talk about the what/who's at fault for the working-class's quality of life.
#Libertarianism #Progressivism #BernieSanders

My name is David Dee and welcome to Progressive Resistance Media. PRM is a political opinion VLOG with pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Whether it's in my kitchen, in the car, or in the woods, I'm here to talk about progressive politics with you and provide you with based political opinions.

My videos are largely unscripted and unedited. My style is stream of consciousness and somewhat ranty.

Sometimes I do Alex Jones satire and goof off, too.

Thank you for letting me be a small part of your life.

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#Libertarianism #Progressivism #BernieSanders

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