【A-10雷電II攻擊機】美軍最優秀對地打擊戰機,史上最強GAU-8復仇者機砲,3倍音速砲彈,能發射貧鈾彈!一場戰役摧毀3000多輛戰車! 【Thunderbolt II “疣豬”Warthog】

【A-10雷電II攻擊機】美軍最優秀對地打擊戰機,史上最強GAU-8復仇者機砲,3倍音速砲彈,能發射貧鈾彈!一場戰役摧毀3000多輛戰車! 【Thunderbolt II “疣豬”Warthog】

00:00 前言
00:40 研製背景
05:32 服役歷程
07:50 結束

A-10雷電Ⅱ(英文:Thunderbolt II)是美國費爾柴德公司生產的一種單座雙引擎攻擊機,負責提供對地面部隊的密接支援任務,包括攻擊敵方戰車、武裝車輛、砲兵陣地及重要地面目標等。此外也有一部分負責提供前進空中管制,導引其他攻擊機對地面目標進行攻擊,這些戰機編號為OA-10。其官方名稱來自於二戰時密接支援上有出色表現的P-47雷電式戰鬥機,但相對於雷電這個名稱而言,美軍更常暱稱其為“疣豬”(Warthog)或簡稱“豬”(Hog )。
A-10 Thunderbolt II (English: Thunderbolt II) is a single-seater twin-engine attack aircraft produced by Fairchild Corporation of the United States. It is responsible for providing close support missions to ground forces, including attacking enemy combat vehicles, armed vehicles, and artillery. Positions and important ground targets, etc. In addition, a part is responsible for providing forward air control and guiding other attack aircraft to attack ground targets. These fighters are numbered OA-10. Its official name comes from the P-47 Thunderbolt fighter, which had excellent performance in close support during World War II, but compared to the name Raiden, the US military more often nicknamed it "Warthog" or simply "Hog". ).

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